Francis Kinyuru
About Francis

Francis Kinyuru is a profession in Telco and Tech Industry
What drives my motives and character:-

  1. Team Player
  2. Self organized
  3. Mentor
  4. Always ready to learn unlearn and relearn
  5. Innovative
Hobbies and Interests
  • Learning Things in Tech
  • Coding
  • Hiking - Nature Love
  • Team Building
  • Technical Writing

Have traversed Various institution and learnt alot in life so far. Including

  1. Laikipia Univerty
  2. BSC. Computer Science
    Attended Laikipia Univerty and persued Bachelor of Science Computer Science. Where i learnt the basics of computers, how computer works.
    Learnt Computer technologies, Software design and development, Cloud computing, Computer Networks and computer architecture.

  3. Karlstad University
  4. Project Management
    Attended Karlstad University (exchange program) and undertook project Management.

  5. Moringa School
  6. DevOps and SRE
    2022 - Present
    Attending Moringa school and persuing DevOps and SRE engineering programs.

  1. Python developer
  2. Developing Solutions with python Flask and FastAPI. Backend developement as well as API development with both Flask and FastAPI
    See sample web app developed with python here and much more projects in my git repo here

  3. USSD Developer
  4. Development of USSD services on OpenCode Platform ssJavaScript

  5. JAVA Developer
  6. Java Backend Development. Currently Learning Spring Boot.

  7. Linux system administration
  8. Mainly setting up, configuring, and managing a computer system in a Linux environment

  9. IT Technical Support
  10. Support for products running on Virtual Machines, Openshift container Platform, Kubernetes, Physical Servers


Have worked in Telco companies with roles:-

  1. DevOps engineering
  2. Service Availability Team 2020-2021
    Worked as a DevOps Engineer with below responsibilities

    • Monitoring Integration
    • Integrated services, servers and databases with monitoring tools such as Dynatrace, Splunk, ELK and custom python scripts.
    • Deployments
    • Deployed and supported services in production on Openshift container platform, Kubernetes, Tibco 5 environment and Services on Linux Redhat environment
  3. VAS Operations engineering
  4. Value Added Services (VAS Solutions) 2021-2022
    Worked as a support engineer under the VAS solutions team with below responsibilities.

    • VAS Services Support and Deployments
    • Provided support for VAS services including USSD, VoiceMail, CRBT and SDP services.
      Deployed new services on SDP and USSD, Servers Hardening for security complaince. Monitoring integartion for SDP services. Support PRSP partners for both Third party USSD services and SDP partners
    • Automations
    • Did automations on various fronts to help Automate manual tasks. Worked with RPA tools such as Selenium, UIPATH and Python/Shell custom scripts
  5. VAS Product Development
  6. Value added services Product development 2022 - Present
    Working as a VAS Product developer on USSD, SDP and SMSC products.